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  • jean

    Hey somebody figured out the CFTU! We were right!


    Yep, blackmail scam. Pick a target talk tons of shit from an official sounding credible looking source (the China Foreign Teachers Union!) and then demand money to take it down.


    Makes sense, that's why he's gotta respond to everything out there which says the CFTU and related BS is a scam. He has to keep up the illusion that it's a real thing because it's only value is in looking like a trusted organization.


    I'm sure most of his targets suck too in their own ways...but that doesn't make it right to insult our intelligence pretending a fake organization is real. Oh and scamming the victims is wrong too I guess.


    9 years agoin Sports-All
    Answers(9) Comments(0)
  • munir

    REAL Q: How did "

    Hey somebody figured out the CFTU! We were right!"

    actually do this??

    In fact, there's only another link to yet another bitch fight over the legitimacy of Anthony/CTFU by another shady bit of crap - all with multiple accounts, all vying for the biggest wanker on the internet competition. Just because Shady company A accuses Shady company B of something, and sprouts off a lot of bad history etc, doesn't mean that it's actually true! (or relevant.. or valid... or particularly interesting!)

    I'm more inclined to think that virtually ALL of those posters in that linked thread are the same person - hogging the limelight (and getting more traffic!)) As was pointed out by one of those posts - a new banner ad was put up around that time... so someone thought it was a good business opportunity. (and, surely, 'scam' is one word that wannabe teachers, interns, and students, are going to search for before coming over here)

    I'm not trying to stick up for this 'union', nor for the guy who runs it - I'm just asking a legit question about what people think constitutes 'evidence' or 'proof'... (especially in the light of the other Q's on China's history, TCM, etc...). That linked thread is .. just plain crap!

    9 years ago
  • cheroll

    I think I got it. A blackmail scam by Dimarco (who goes by many other names), is attempting to scam a business that is unethical at best (also other names). A scamming "internship" company at worst. CLASSIC ! Both are in a shouting match attempting to sue one another for defamation, slander, fraud, etc.Heck, we all know the Chinese court system is a joke. This is the kinda stuff that makes humerous movie plots...

    9 years ago
  • adama
    So, in other words... STFU CFTU ?!
    9 years ago
  • bernete


    I don't understand your interest in this area since you aren't an ESL teacher.

    What I don't understand further is what exact this stupid CFTU is....

    It sounds like some stupid unnecessary organization trying to gain power to form a ESL teacher's union. That's not going to happen... so it is best if this organization just dies out...

    9 years ago
  • bruan

    I wouldn't l that "figure out". I mean we already knew these fake sites and accounts were bullshit, and I don't see real evidence proving this was a blackmailing scheme and there's no detail as how it would have been working. So many things still don't check out

    Nothing we didn't already knew last year.

    9 years ago
  • lloyd
    Me and my wife both enjoy cooking. We cook everything from scratch. It takes longer but you have more control over what you are eating. Weekends are the best time as you have more time to prepare meals. I have found that most ingredients can be found if you look hard enough so there are few excuses to not eating how you want to eat. At the end of the day it is important to have some joys in life though so we sometimes eat junk food as it does usually taste good
    9 years ago
  • traci
    Working in HR here I can say that my employer is also on their blacklist. We supposedly employ a wanted murderer, lol. I just ignore this weird scam.
    9 years ago
  • diana

    I saw that topic a few days ago & tried to read it all. Wow! Talk about boring after the first few pages. Lots of copy/paste, allegations, counter allegations & seemed to be only 2-3 posters on the topic. Got that bored I didn't read it to the end.

    But yes, seems to be a blackmail scam by Dimarco, Marion or whatever his name was! I blame the Mario brothers myself.

    9 years ago
  • trevorel

    REAL Q: How did "

    Hey somebody figured out the CFTU! We were right!"

    actually do this??

    In fact, there's only another link to yet another bitch fight over the legitimacy of Anthony/CTFU by another shady bit of crap - all with multiple accounts, all vying for the biggest wanker on the internet competition. Just because Shady company A accuses Shady company B of something, and sprouts off a lot of bad history etc, doesn't mean that it's actually true! (or relevant.. or valid... or particularly interesting!)

    I'm more inclined to think that virtually ALL of those posters in that linked thread are the same person - hogging the limelight (and getting more traffic!)) As was pointed out by one of those posts - a new banner ad was put up around that time... so someone thought it was a good business opportunity. (and, surely, 'scam' is one word that wannabe teachers, interns, and students, are going to search for before coming over here)

    I'm not trying to stick up for this 'union', nor for the guy who runs it - I'm just asking a legit question about what people think constitutes 'evidence' or 'proof'... (especially in the light of the other Q's on China's history, TCM, etc...). That linked thread is .. just plain crap!

    9 years ago

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